Saturday, April 23, 2011

Garden City

We had the opportunity to take a "field trip" to a friend's finca or garden outside of town. The climate there is semi-tropical and we found ourselves surrounded by a multitude of different plants and trees. We were taken on a tour of the property which lasted for a couple of hours. It was interesting to see the wide variety of vegetation from corn and peppers to cacao and starfruit.

Sampling the fruit from the cacao bush

The vegetation is lush and the view scenic

Our "tour guide" with the group

Our friend taught us that the banana produces fruit from the heart (purple flower at the bottom) and that the fruit grows upwards on the tree. It takes three months for a bunch of bananas to grow. Harvesting the bananas takes a couple of whacks with a machete.


Annie B. said...

So, what does Star Fruit taste like?! It looks good.

Bill and Tracy Coupe said...

It compares to the taste of a pear.