Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Cold Wave

This morning's headline in the local newspaper reads," Cold Wave Affects Loja". The "cold wave" hit this past week (which marks the change from the rainy to the dry season). The weather has turned a little chilly, bringing wind and rain with temperatures dropping to 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Normal temps range between 61-72 degrees F. I must admit that I have used my hoody sweatshirt this past week. According to the newspaper article, the "cold wave" is supposed to last for a couple more days. It is a little comical to see people walking around town bundled up in scarves, gloves, knit caps, and heavy coats. Everyone says that it is "freezing cold" outside. Oh, if they could only experience a wintry blustery day of -40 wind chill factor in the Midwest!


Phillip Brande said...

It's 95 here... 76 in the house!

Bill and Tracy Coupe said...

No fair! :)